Youth Activities
STAMP CAMP is a fun and creative way to introduce children and youth to postage stamps and collecting using a variety of activities. Scouting merit badge activities are also available.
Our Stamp Camp is provided without cost by the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library and members of local stamp clubs.
CYPHER Stamp Club (Colorado Young Philatelic Explorers and Researchers)
This year we will introduce our new Stamp Detective program for young collectors. The program is loosely based upon the popular CSI television series. Children participate in a series of hands-on activities (missions). With each mission building upon the skills learned in previous missions. To successfully close a case the children must study and solve a philatelic related crime. On Sunday, we are hosting a Boy Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge Workshop. Seating is limited to 12 Scouts and registration is required; due to limited resources drop-ins are not permitted. Visit the CYPHER Stamp Club website – for information on this Merit Badge Workshop. We have a new “Wide World of Sports” activity for older children. Children can also pick up a copy of one of our new “Passports to Adventure.” These are inexpensive, beginning stamp albums focusing on a small geographic region of the world. The passport includes basic information (country size, population, government, etc.) for each county of that region as well as room to hinge/mount stamps in the passport. We will have a limited number of passports for South America, Central America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Anew special booth feature will be our “Mystery Board.” Children visiting the Youth Booth, and completing the activities, will have the opportunity to win a mystery packet of stamps. Of course, we will have our usual activities ready for children – Wildlife Safari, Greetings from America, Design a Stamp and our ever-popular Treasure Tubs. We welcome all children to stop by and visit the youth booth. Adults, who are young at heart, are welcome too!